Cet article de Nigel Hunter est paru dans l’hebdomadaire britannique Disc daté du 27 février 1965. L’annonce de la sortie du troisième 45 tours des Pretty Things est l’occasion de se moquer à nouveau de la longueur des cheveux des membres du groupe. Révélation scandaleuse : après avoir envisagé de se les laisser pousser pendant toute une année sans y toucher, Viv Prince a craqué et se fait régulièrement couper les pointes. Oh là là !
“Don’t Bring Me Down” followed “Rosalyn” into the charts for The Pretty Things, and they certainly aren’t brought down on account of their current success “Honey, I Need.”
“We had something else in line for the follow-up to ‘Don’t Bring Me Down’,” Pretty Thing drummer Viv Prince told me on Monday. “But we couldn’t get on with it somehow. It kept sounding like ‘Rosalyn’ and ‘Don’t’ run together.”
“Honey” was penned by the Pretties’ lead guitarist Dick Taylor in collaboration with some friends.
“It was originally intended just for our LP,” explained Viv, “but we were knocked out when we heard the final recorded version, and it became our single A side.”
Apart from another hit, The Pretty Things have another claim to fame. Their hair must be the about the longest in the business at present. In view of another group having their long locks publicly cut on last Sunday’s “Eamonn Andrews Show,” I asked Viv what he thought about the subject.
“I like long hair,” he answered. “I have mine regularly trimmed now, anyway. I was determined to let it grow for a year without attention, but that was long enough. Otherwise it would be a bit much.”