Cet entrefilet non signé a paru dans le numéro 931 de l’hebdomadaire britannique New Musical Express, daté du 13 novembre 1964.

The Pretty Things were spending two or three days this week recording numbers for an LP. Fontana hope to release the album, which will contain numbers by their managers Jimmy Duncan and Brian Morrison, before Christmas.
Following the cancellation of their tour with Chuck Berry, the Pretty Things have been booked for club and ballroom dates during the remainder of November. The first is at Dartford Scala on Sunday (15th).
They will also appear at Swindon Locarno (16th), Porth Rink (20th), Birmingham Ritz (22nd), Kings Lynn Corn Hall (24th), Nottingham Elizabethan (25th), Hendon (26th), Hull Baths Hall (28th) and Sheffield Blue Moon (29th).
Source : WorldRadioHistory.com (PDF).