Cet entrefilet non signé est paru dans le numéro de l’hebdomadaire britannique Record Mirror daté du 3 août 1968.
Il fait le point sur l’actualité du groupe, à savoir le tournage du film What’s Good for the Goose, qui doit durer jusqu’au 16 août. Les Pretties doivent ensuite entamer l’enregistrement de leur quatrième album, S. F. Sorrow. Quelques dates de concert sont indiquées, dont la plupart seront annulées (le « Magical Mystery Tour » du 24 août) ou ne dépasseront jamais le stade du doux rêve (la tournée américaine censée commencer le 26 septembre).

The Pretty Things are at present filming “Who’s For The Goose?” with Norman Wisdom. The group will be acting as well as playing in the club scenes in the film—they feature four new songs: “Alexander,” “Eagle Sun,” “Blow Your Mind,” and “It’ll Never Be Me.” They finish the film on August 16 and immediately start recording their latest LP, to be titled “S. F. Sorrow.” The album will be a story record, with twelve tracks each of which features a different part of F. S. Sorrow’s life.
On August 24 they appear on the Magical Mystery Tour, and from September 1 to September 5 they go on a tour of Vienna followed by three days of television and concerts in Holland. From September 11 until 15 they tour Switzerland, and then they rest until September 26 when they start a three week tour of America.
The next single from the Pretty Things will probably be a track from either the LP or the film.
Source : WorldRadioHistory.com (PDF).