Cette chanson a été écrite pour le film Pas de larmes pour Joy (Poor Cow). Sorti en décembre 1967, il s’agit du premier long métrage réalisé par Ken Loach.

Le pont de la chanson reprend le riff de £.s.d.


Children playing in the park
Shoot their targets, find their mark
Little boy soldier starts to cry
Another poor kid learns how to die

Ring-a-ring-a-roses, all fall down
Watch the circus, seen the clown
Laugh when he falls on his head
[???] put into bed?

Little Johnny outside, looking in
A social misfit with a twisted lip
Inside his head he plays their gate
In the shadow of a [???] he remains

Play your games and have your fun
All too soon that day might come
When your parents [???]

Death of a SocialiteChildrenThe Sun

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