Come See Me / £.s.d. est le sixième 45 tours des Pretty Things, sorti en avril 1966.
Après l’échec de Midnight to Six Man, les Pretties se rabattent sur une reprise pour leur 45 tours suivant. Dans la presse britannique, les critiques applaudissent l’énergie débridée de Come See Me, à l’exception notable de Penny Valentine de Disc & Music Echo qui regrette le son sale adopté par le groupe.
C’est évidemment la face B qui fait parler d’elle avec son titre ambigu, sans que la controverse n’enflamme particulièrement la presse.
- Come See Me (Sidney Barnes, J. J. Jackson, Pierre Tubbs) – 2 min 38 s
- £.s.d. (Phil May, Dick Taylor) – 2 min 23 s
- Skip Alan : batterie
- Phil May : chant
- Brian Pendleton : guitare rythmique
- John Stax : basse
- Dick Taylor : guitare lead
Principales éditions
- 1966 :
45 tours, Royaume-Uni, Fontana TF 688
- 1966 :
45 tours, Allemagne de l’Ouest, Star-Club 148 557 STF
- 1966 :
45 tours, Australie, Philips BF-260
- 1966 :
45 tours, Danemark, Fontana 267 569 TF
- 1966 :
45 tours, Pays-Bas, Fontana 267 569 TF

A real wildie, this! Opens with startling drum tattoo, and breaks into hypnotic and incessant stamp beat. Phil May sings the repetitive lyric in spirited style, with shouts of encouragement from the others—plus some grating rasp guitar and crazy piano work.
All the time, there’s a storming, insidious beat. Virtually no melody, which may well prevent it from climbing high in the chart, but it gets right down to the guts of r-and-b.
FLIP: Tempo slackens for this mid-tempo item, featuring some great guitar, a driving rhythm, and a topical Budget-fearing lyric.
Derek Johnson, NME, 22 avril 1966

Come See Me (Fontana)—There’s a filthy sounding guitar on this song, which was written by, among others, J. J. Jackson.
The Pretty Things release few records these days and somehow I wish they would drop this sound of theirs to make the wait worthwhile.
It has an ugly arrangement and the great moving sound on it is rather wasted. I suppose they’ve become identified with this rather anti-sound; it’s rather a shame.
£.s.d. could mean many things on the flip.
Penny Valentine, Disc & Music Echo, 23 avril 1966

THE PRETTY THINGS: Come See Me; L.S.D. (Fontana TF 688). Grunty guitar sounds early on, then Phil May takes over at a brisk mid-tempo and the whole thing fairly raves later on. A natural hit, we’d say, for the fury of the attack as much as anything. Flip has a controversial title but turns out to be harmless enough. Not so strong, either.
Record Mirror, 23 avril 1966
Au Royaume-Uni, Come See Me est resté cinq semaines dans le Top 50 des ventes établi par le magazine Record Retailer, sans dépasser la 43e place. Le single fait un peu mieux dans les classements rivaux de Disc (38e) et Melody Maker (35e).
Date | Position (Record Retailer) | Position (Melody Maker) | Position (Disc) |
30 avril 1966 | — | — | 47 |
7 mai 1966 | 44 | — | 47 |
14 mai 1966 | 46 | 50 | — |
21 mai 1966 | 46 | 38 | 46 |
28 mai 1966 | 44 | 36 | — |
4 juin 1966 | 43 | 35 | 38 |
11 juin 1966 | — | — | 50 |
source | source | source |
← Single précédent : Midnight to Six Man / Can’t Stand the Pain
Single suivant : A House in the Country / Me Needing You →