Mardi 5 janvier. Concert au 100 Club de Londres (Angleterre) avec Brothers Grimm.
Source : publicité dans Melody Maker du 2 janvier 1965.
Jeudi 7 janvier. Concert au Pavilion de Worthing, dans le Sussex, (Angleterre), avec les Treckers.
Mardi 12 janvier. Concert au 100 Club de Londres (Angleterre) avec Brothers Grimm.
Mardi 19 janvier. Concert au 100 Club de Londres (Angleterre) avec les Crescents.
Jeudi 21 janvier. Les Fenmen enregistrent une reprise de The Warmth of the Sun des Beach Boys et de Come to the Party de Carter-Lewis and the Southerners.
Samedi 30 janvier. L’hebdomadaire Record Mirror annonce que le premier album des Pretty Things doit sortir fin février ou début mars. Son titre n’est pas fixé, mais neuf chansons devant y figurer sont listées : Honey I Need, Baby Doll, Big City, 13 Chester Street, Road Runner, Unknown Blues, Pretty Thing, She’s Fine She’s Mine et Hey Mama.
Dimanche 31 janvier. Concert au Granada de Woolwich, dans le sud-est de Londres (Angleterre), avec les Rockin’ Berries, Julie Rogers et les Merseybeats.
Vendredi 12 février. Passage dans l’émission de télévision britannique Ready, Steady, Go!, diffusée sur ITV. Les Pretty Things interprètent leur nouveau single, Honey, I Need.
Source : Channelling the Beat!, p. 525.
Samedi 13 février. Concert à l’Astoria Ballroom de Rawtenstall, dans le Lancashire (Angleterre).
Samedi 13 février. Concert à Scarborough, dans le Yorkshire (Angleterre).
Samedi 20 février. Passage dans l’émission de télévision britannique Thank Your Lucky Stars, diffusée sur ITV. Les Pretty Things interprètent Honey, I Need.
Jeudi 25 février. Passage dans l’émission de télévision britannique Top of the Pops, diffusée sur BBC One. Les Pretty Things interprètent Honey, I Need.
Jeudi 4 mars. Les Pretty Things sont censés apparaître dans l’émission de télévision britannique Top of the Pops, mais ils ne peuvent se rendre sur le plateau à cause du mauvais temps.
Source : Channelling the Beat!, p. 525.
Samedi 6 mars. Concert aux Florida Rooms de Brighton, dans le Sussex (Angleterre), avec les Who, les Bones et Johnny B Great.
Lundi 8 mars. Concert au City Hall de Sheffield (Angleterre) avec Manfred Mann, les Animals, Screaming Lord Sutch, Sean Buckley & The Breadcrumbs et Dodie West.
Jeudi 11 mars. Passage dans l’émission de télévision britannique Top of the Pops, diffusée sur BBC One. Rediffusion du segment Honey, I Need de l’émission du 25 février.
Dimanche 14 mars. Concert au City Hall de Newcastle (Angleterre) avec les Kinks, les Animals, Screaming Lord Sutch, Sean Buckley & The Breadcrumbs et Dodie West.
Jeudi 18 mars. Passage dans l’émission de télévision Top of the Pops, diffusée sur BBC One. Rediffusion du segment Honey, I Need de l’émission du 25 février.
Jeudi 18 mars. Concert au Carlton Ballroom de Smethwick (Angleterre).
Source : Music Echo du 20 mars 1965.
Publicité pour le concert du 19 mars.
Vendredi 19 mars. Concert au Fairfield Hall de Croydon (Angleterre) avec les Kinks, les Animals, Sean Buckley & The Breadcrumbs et Dodie West.
Source : Music Echo du 20 mars 1965.
Dimanche 21 mars. Concert « In Aid of the Spastics » à l’Empire Pool de Wembley (Angleterre) avec P. J. Proby, Adam Faith, Billy J. Kramer & The Dakotas, les Searchers, Sandie Shaw, Dave Berry, Them, les Zombies, les Merseybeats, Lulu & The Luvvers, les Fourmost, Kenny Ball, Tommy Quickly, Kenny Lynch, Long John Baldry, Elkie Brooks, David Jacobs, Alan Freeman, Pete Murray et Don Moss.
Source : Melody Maker du 20 mars 1965.
Lundi 22 mars. Concert au Town Hall de Birmingham (Angleterre) avec les Kinks, les Animals, Screaming Lord Sutch, Sean Buckley & The Breadcrumbs et Dodie West.
Source : Music Echo du 20 mars 1965.
Jeudi 25 mars. Passage dans l’émission de télévision Top of the Pops, diffusée sur BBC One. Les Pretty Things interprètent Honey I Need.
Samedi 10 avril. Concert au Kubi Club de Rochdale (Angleterre).
Dimanche 11 avril. Concert au New Theatre d’Oxford (Angleterre) avec Wayne Fontana & the Mindbenders, les Artwoods, The Ivy League, Elkie Brooks, Syd & George, les Chapters et les Guards.
Samedi 17 avril. Concert au Ballroom de Spalding, dans le Lincolnshire (Angleterre), avec Wayne Fontana & the Mindbenders.
Dimanche 18 avril. Concert au De Montfort de Leicester (Angleterre) avec Wayne Fontana & the Mindbenders.
Lundi 19 avril. Concert à Scarborough, dans le North Yorkshire (Angleterre), avec Wayne Fontana & the Mindbenders.
Lundi 19 avril. Concert à Blokker (Pays-Bas). Les Pretty Things participent au festival Blokker.
24 avril – 9 mai. Tournée au Royaume-Uni avec Billy Fury & the Gamblers, les John Barry Seven, Dave Berry & the Cruisers, Brian Poole & the Tremeloes, Zephyrs, Kestrels et Bobby Pattinson :
Samedi 24 avril. Concert au ABC Cinema de Gloucester (Angleterre), sans Dave Berry.
Dimanche 25 avril. Concert au ABC Cinema de Northampton (Angleterre).
Mardi 27 avril. Concert au ABC Cinema de Plymouth (Angleterre).
Mercredi 28 avril. Concert au ABC Cinema d’Exeter (Angleterre).
Jeudi 29 avril. Concert au ABC Cinema de Southampton (Angleterre).
Vendredi 30 avril. Concert au ABC Cinema de Croydon (Angleterre).
Suite de la tournée :
Samedi 1er mai. Concert au ABC Cinema de Douvres (Angleterre).
Dimanche 2 mai. Concert au ABC Cinema de Harrow (Angleterre).
Mardi 4 mai. Concert au ABC Cinema de Hull (Angleterre).
Mercredi 5 mai. Concert au Globe Theatre de Stockton-on-Tees (Angleterre).
Jeudi 6 mai. Concert à Édimbourg (Écosse), pas dans le cadre de la tournée.
Vendredi 7 mai. Concert au ABC Cinema de Carlisle (Angleterre).
Samedi 8 mai. Concert au Theatre Royal de Norwich (Angleterre).
Dimanche 9 mai. Concert au Colston Hall de Bristol (Angleterre).
Jeudi 13 mai. Concert au Marquee d’Ashton-under-Lyne, dans le Lancashire (Angleterre).
Mardi 1er juin. Phil May accompagne la journaliste Penny Valentine aux studios de la BBC pour assister à l’enregistrement d’une émission avec Bob Dylan.
Source : Disc Weekly du 12 juin 1965.
Jeudi 3 juin. Concert à Munich (Allemagne de l’Ouest).
Vendredi 25 juin. Concert au New Restaurant de l’établissement de recherche atomique de Harwell, dans l’Oxfordshire (Angleterre), avec Candy ‘n’ Cookies, Ricky & the Gamblers et The Outcrowd.
Samedi 26 juin. Passage dans l’émission de télévision britannique Thank Your Lucky Stars, diffusée sur ITV. Les Pretty Things interprètent leur dernier single, Cry to Me.
Mardi 10 août. Passage dans l’émission de télévision britannique Discs a Go Go, diffusée sur la chaîne TWW.
Samedi 14 août. Le groupe donne une soirée d’adieu au Ad Lib de Londres avant son départ pour la Nouvelle-Zélande.
Jeudi 19 août. Arrivée à l’aéroport de Whenupai (Auckland).
19 août – 30 août. Tournée en Nouvelle-Zélande avec Sandie Shaw, Eden Kane, Tommy Adderley, The Chicks et The Mike Perjanik Showband :
Jeudi 19 août. Concert au Founders Theatre de Hamilton (Nouvelle-Zélande).
Vendredi 20 août. Concert au Town Hall d’Auckland (Nouvelle-Zélande).
Samedi 21 août. Concert à l’Opera House de Gisborne (Nouvelle-Zélande).
Lundi 23 août. Concert au Municipal Theatre de Hastings (Nouvelle-Zélande).
Mardi 24 août. Concert à l’Opera House de Wanganui (Nouvelle-Zélande).
Mercredi 25 août. Concert à l’Opera House de Wellington (Nouvelle-Zélande).
Jeudi 26 août. Concert à l’Opera House de New Plymouth (Nouvelle-Zélande).
Vendredi 27 août. Concert au Civic Theatre de Christchurch (Nouvelle-Zélande).
Samedi 28 août. Concert au Town Hall de Dunedin (Nouvelle-Zélande).
Lundi 30 août. Concert au Civic Hall d’Invercargill (Nouvelle-Zélande).
Mardi 31 août. Concert au Top 20 Club d’Auckland (Nouvelle-Zélande) avec Larry’s Rebels et The Dark Ages.
Mercredi 1er septembre. Concert au Top 20 Club d’Auckland (Nouvelle-Zélande) avec Larry’s Rebels et The Dark Ages.
Jeudi 2 septembre. Les Pretty Things quittent la Nouvelle-Zélande. Ils laissent derrière eux leur imprésario Bryan Morrison, hospitalisé, et Viv Prince leur batteur, éjecté de l’avion au dernier moment par les autorités.
Samedi 4 septembre. Viv Prince quitte à son tour la Nouvelle-Zélande.
Mercredi 8 septembre. Concert au Corn Exchange de Bristol (Angleterre).
Vendredi 10 septembre. Concert au Lucky Stars Club de Staines, dans le Middlesex (Angleterre).
Lundi 13 septembre.John Stax se marie au Caxton Hall Registry Office de Westminster avec Wendy Kinneys, un mannequin de 18 ans. Ses camarades des Pretty Things assistent à la cérémonie. Viv Prince est arrêté dans la soirée après avoir consommé de copieuses quantités d’alcool et passe la nuit au poste.
Mardi 14 septembre. Les Pretty Things enregistrent You Don’t Believe Me et We’ll Play House avec Fred Gandy et Twink, deux membres des Fairies, qui remplacent John Stax (en lune de miel) et Viv Prince (toujours en garde à vue).
Mercredi 22 septembre. Concert au Locarno Ballroom de Stevenage, dans le Hertfordshire (Angleterre).
Source : entrefilet dans New Musical Express du 10 septembre 1965.
Jeudi 23 septembre. Passage dans l’émission de télévision américaine Shindig!, diffusée sur la chaîne ABC. Dans un segment enregistré plusieurs mois auparavant au Royaume-Uni, les Pretty Things interprètent Honey, I Need. Il s’agit de leur premier passage télévisé au pays de l’oncle Sam.
Vendredi 24 septembre. Concerts au Birch et au Domino de Manchester (Angleterre).
Source : entrefilet dans New Musical Express du 10 septembre 1965.
Samedi 25 septembre. Concert au Palais de Peterborough, dans le Cambridgeshire (Angleterre).
Source : entrefilet dans New Musical Express du 10 septembre 1965.
Dimanche 26 septembre. Concert au Mojo de Sheffield, dans le Yorkshire (Angleterre).
Source : entrefilet dans New Musical Express du 10 septembre 1965.
Jeudi 30 septembre. Concert à l’Astoria Ballroom d’Oldham, dans la banlieue de Manchester (Angleterre).
Source : entrefilet dans New Musical Express du 10 septembre 1965.
Vendredi 1er octobre. Concert au Floral Hall de Morecambe (Angleterre).
Source : entrefilet dans New Musical Express du 10 septembre 1965.
Samedi 2 octobre. Concert au Royal Lido de Prestatyn (pays de Galles).
Source : entrefilet dans New Musical Express du 10 septembre 1965.
Dimanche 3 octobre. Concert au South Pier de Blackpool (Angleterre).
Source : entrefilet dans New Musical Express du 10 septembre 1965.
Lundi 4 octobre. Concert au Majestic de Newcastle (Angleterre).
Source : entrefilet dans New Musical Express du 10 septembre 1965.
Jeudi 7 octobre. Les Pretty Things arrivent au Danemark pour une brève tournée (7-11 octobre). Le soir même, Viv Prince s’embrouille avec un boxeur danois (le frère de l’ancien champion du monde poids lourds Ingemar Johansson) et finit à l’hôpital.
Samedi 9 octobre. Concert au K.B. Hallen de Copenhague (Danemark).
Jeudi 21 octobre. Concert (annulé) à l’Empire Social Club de Neath (pays de Galles). Deux membres du groupe sont malades et le concert ne peut avoir lieu.
Jeudi 16 décembre. Passage dans l’émission de télévision américaine Shindig!, diffusée sur ABC. Dans un segment enregistré plusieurs mois auparavant au Royaume-Uni, les Pretty Things interprètent Big City.
5 January 1965 – 100 Club, Oxford Street, central London with Brothers Grimm (Record Mirror)
12 January 1965 – 100 Club, Oxford Street, central London with Brothers Grimm (Record Mirror)
19 January 1965 – 100 Club, Oxford Street, central London with The Crescents (Record Mirror)
27 January 1965 – High Wycombe Town Hall, High Wycombe, Bucks (Bucks Free Press)
29 January 1965 – Dungeon Club, Nottingham with Mike Fayne & The Fontains (
2 February 1965 – 100 Club, Oxford Street, London with The Loose Ends (Melody Maker)
3 February 1965 – Majestic Hull, Hull (Record Mirror)
5 February 1965 – Bolton Boneyard, Bolton (Record Mirror)
6 February 1965 – Manchester New Century Hall, Manchester and Manchester University, Manchester (Record Mirror)
7 February 1965 – Wembley Starlite, Wembley, London (Record Mirror)
8 February 1965 – Newcastle Majestic, Newcastle upon Tyne, Tyne & Wear (Record Mirror)
22 February 1965 – Ricky Tick, Pearce Hall, Maidenhead, Berks (Buck Free Press)
1 March 1965 – Carnival Hall, Basingstoke, Hampshire with The Troggs (Hampshire & Berkshire Gazette)
2 March 1965 – High Wycombe Town Hall, High Wycombe, Bucks (Bucks Free Press)
6 March 1965 – Florida Rooms, Brighton, West Sussex with The Who, The-Bones and Johnny B Great (Evening Argus)
6 March 1965 – Mersey View Ballroom, Frodsham, Merseyside with The Spidermen, The Squad and Rita (Cheshire Observer)
19 March 1965 – Big Beat Nite Out, Fairfield Hall, Croydon, Surrey with The Kinks, The Animals, The Caravelles, Dodie West and Sean Buckley & The Breadcrumbs (Chris Broom book: Rockin’ and Around Croydon)
21 March 1965 – Empire Pool, Wembley, west London with Dave Berry & The Cruisers, The Searchers, Kenny Lynch, Elkie Brooks, The Four Pennies, Long John Baldry, Them, Billy J Kramer & The Dakotas, Tommy Quickly, The Fourmost, Lulu & The Luvvers, The Merseybeats, PJ Proby, The Zombies and Kenny Ball (Rieks Korte’s research)
2 April 1965 – Heaven & Hell, Manchester (Rieks Korte’s research)
3 April 1965 – Corn Exchnage, Cambridge (Rieks Korte’s research)
4 April 1965 – Bromley Court Hotel, Bromley, Kent (Melody Maker)
7 April 1965 – Gig in Rochdale, Greater Manchester (Rieks Korte’s research)
8 April 1965 – Gig in Stockport, Greater Manchester (Rieks Korte’s research)
10 April 1965 – Gig in Wigan, Greater Manchester (Rieks Korte’s research)
11 April 1965 – New Theatre, Oxford with Wayne Fontana & The Mindbenders, The Artwoods, The Ivy League, Elkie Brooks, Syd & George, The Chapters and The Guards (Oxford Mail)
17 April 1965 – Spalding Ballroom, Spalding, Lincolnshire with Wayne Fontana & The Mindbenders (Rieks Korte’s research)
18 April 1965 – De Montfort, Leicester with Wayne Fontana & The Mindbenders (Rieks Korte’s research)
19 April 1965 – Gig in Scarborough, North Yorkshire with Wayne Fontana & The Mindbenders (Rieks Korte’s research)
24 April 1965 – Gig in Gloucster, Gloucestershire with Billy Fury & The Gamblers, Dave Berry & The Cruisers, Brian Poole & The Tremeloes, John Barry Seven, The Kestrels and The Zephyrs (Rieks Korte’s research/The Stage)
25 April 1965 – ABC Northampton with Billy Fury & The Gamblers, John Barry Seven, The Kestrels, Dave Berry & The Cruisers, Brian Poole & The Tremeloes and The Zephyrs (Rieks Korte’s research/The Stage)
27 April 1965 – ABC Plymouth, Devon with Billy Fury & The Gamblers, Dave Berry & The Cruisers, Brian Poole & The Tremeloes, John Barry Seven, The Kestrels and The Zephyrs (Rieks Korte’s research/The Stage)
28 April 1965 – Savoy, Exeter, Devon with Billy Fury & The Gamblers, Dave Berry & The Cruisers, Brian Poole & The Tremeloes, John Barry Seven, The Kestrels and The Zephyrs (Rieks Korte’s research/The Stage)
29 April 1965 – ABC Southampton, Hampshire with Billy Fury & The Gamblers, Dave Berry & The Cruisers, Brian Poole & The Tremeloes, John Barry Seven, The Kestrels and The Zephyrs (Rieks Korte’s research/The Stage)
30 April 1965 – ABC Croydon, south London with Billy Fury & The Gamblers, Dave Berry & The Cruisers, Brian Poole & The Tremeloes, John Barry Seven, The Kestrels and The Zephyrs (Rieks Korte’s research/The Stage)
1 May 1965 – ABC Dover, Kent with Billy Fury & The Gamblers, Dave Berry & The Cruisers, Brian Poole & The Tremeloes, John Barry Seven, The Kestrels and The Zephyrs (Rieks Korte’s research/The Stage)
2 May 1965 – ABC Harrow, west London with Billy Fury & The Gamblers, Dave Berry & The Cruisers, Brian Poole & The Tremeloes and The Zephyrs (Rieks Korte’s research)
4 May 1965 – ABC Hull with Billy Fury & The Gamblers, Dave Berry & The Cruisers, Brian Poole & The Tremeloes and The Zephyrs (Rieks Korte’s research)
5 May 1965 – Gig in Stockton, Teesside with Billy Fury & The Gamblers, Dave Berry & The Cruisers, Brian Poole & The Tremeloes and The Zephyrs (Rieks Korte’s research)
6 May 1965 – ABC Carlisle, Cumbria with Billy Fury & The Gamblers, Dave Berry & The Cruisers, Brian Poole & The Tremeloes and The Zephyrs (Rieks Korte’s research)
8 May 1965 – Theatre Royal, Norwich, Norfolk with Billy Fury & The Gamblers, Dave Berry & The Cruisers, Brian Poole & The Tremeloes and The Zephyrs (Rieks Korte’s research)
9 May 1965 – Colston Hall, Bristol with Billy Fury & The Gamblers, Dave Berry & The Cruisers, Brian Poole & The Tremeloes and The Zephyrs (Rieks Korte’s research)
13 May 1965 – Marquee, Ashton-under-Lyne, Greater Manchester (Rieks Korte’s research)
14 May 1965 – Top Ten Club, Town Hall, Liskeard, Cornwall with The Blue Beats and People (Cornish Guardian)
15 May 1965 – Top Ten Club, New Cornish Riveria Lido, St Austell, Cornwall with The Blue Beats and People (Cornish Guardian)
18 May 1965 – Majestic, Newport, Wales (Rieks Korte’s research)
19 May 1965 – Gig in Porthcawl, Wales (Rieks Korte’s research)
20 May 1965 – City Hall, Sheffield, South Yorkshire with Donovan (Rieks Korte’s research)
Donovan’s drummer was Skip Alan who would replace Viv Prince in November
21 May 1965 – Central Pier, Morecambe, Lancashire with Donovan (Rieks Korte’s research)
22 May 1965 – Winter Gardens, Bournemouth, Dorset with Donovan, The New Faces, Unit 4 Plus 2, John L Watson & The Hummelflugs and Chris Carlson (website:
23 May 1965 – Guildhall, Portsmouth, Hampshire with Donovan (Rieks Korte’s research)
24 May 1965 – Spa Hall, Warrington, Cheshire with Donovan (Rieks Korte’s research)
25 May 1965 – Stamford Hall, Altrincham, Greater Manchester (Rieks Korte’s research)
29 May 1965 – Imperial Ballroom, Nelson, Lancashire (Steve Chapples research:
3 June 1965 – Gig in Munich, West Germany (Rieks Korte’s research)
4 June 1965 – Gig in Munich, West Germany (Rieks Korte’s research)
5 June 1965 – Gig in Hamburg, West Germany (Rieks Korte’s research)
6 June 1965 – Gig in Hamburg, West Germany (Rieks Korte’s research)
7 June 1965 – Gig in Hamburg, West Germany (Rieks Korte’s research)
11 June 1965 – Gig in Guildford, Surrey (Rieks Korte’s research)
12 June 1965 – Hill Liola, Stamford (Rieks Korte’s research)
18 June 1965 – Wimbledon Palais, Wimbledon, southwest London (Rieks Korte’s research)
25 June 1965 – New Restaurant, Aere Harwell, Oxfordshire with Candy ‘N’ Cookies, Ricky & The Gamblers and The Outcrowd (Oxford Mail) Rieks Korte also has the band performing at Harwell Atomic Energy Establishment on this date
4 July 1965 – Margate Winter Gardens, Margate, Kent with The Nashville Teens and support (East Kent Times) Rieks Korte also has Screaming Jay Hawkins and The Clayton Squares
23 July 1965 – 32 Club, Harlesden, north London (Hammersmith & Shepherds Bush Gazette)
24 July 1965 – Witham Public Hall, Witham, Essex with Cops ‘N’ Robbers and The Senates (Essex County Standard)
28 July 1965 – Pool Ballroom, Rhos-on-Sea, Wales with The Motown Sect and The Panzies (North Wales Weekly News)
1 August 1965 – Dungeon Club, Nottingham with The In Crowd (website:
2 August 1965 – Galaxy Club, Town Hall, Basingstoke, Hampshire with support (Hampshire & Berkshire Gazette)
3 August 1965 – High Wycombe Town Hall, High Wycombe, Bucks (Bucks Free Press)
The Daily Mirror’s 16 August edition notes that The Pretty Things flew off for their New Zealand tour on Sunday, 15 August after a farewell gig in London
10 September 1965 – Lucky Stars Club, Staines, Middlesex (Staines and Egham News)
11 September 1965 – Bure Club, Mudeford, Dorset with Clive Shane & The Avengers (website:
Article on Viv Prince with pic in Staines and Egham News 17/9/65, page 13
19 September 1965 – Southall Community Centre, Southall, west London (Middlesex County Times & West Middlesex Gazette)
22 September 1965 – Stevenage Mecca, Locarno, Stevenage, Hertfordshire ('s_music_scene.htm)
21 October 1965 – Empire Social Club, Neath, Wales (Port Talbot Guardian) This was cancelled when two members fell ill
1 November 1965 – Grand Pavilion, Porthcawl, Wales (Rieks Korte’s research)
6 November 1965 – Florida Room, Brighton, West Sussex (Rieks Korte’s research)
7 November 1965 – Oasis, Manchester (Rieks Korte’s research)
Skip Alan subbed for Viv Prince on a Scottish tour in November so this seems the most likely date when he took over
8 November 1965 – Town Hall, Iveraray, Scotland (Rieks Korte’s research)
9 November 1965 – Bobby Jones, Ayr, Scotland (Rieks Korte’s research)
10 November 1965 – Kinema Ballroom, Dunfermline, Scotland (Rieks Korte’s research)
12 November 1965 – Town Hall, Falkirk, Scotland (Rieks Korte’s research)
20 November 1965 – Civic Hall, Wormley, Surrey (Rieks Korte’s research)
22 November 1965 – High Wycombe Town Hall, High Wycombe, Bucks (Bucks Free Press)
New Musical Express’ 26 November issue reports that Viv Prince has told them he’s been asked to leave the group. The Pretty Things are on a Scottish tour with a deputy drummer (Skip Alan)
27 November 1965 – Coronation Hall, Ramsgate, Kent (Rieks Korte’s research) East Kent Times & Mail reports that this was rescheduled
New Musical Express’ 3 December issue reports that Viv Prince has agreed to leave. Skip Alan (ex-Them) who had subbed on the recent Scottish tour, is now a permanent member and on tour with the band in Scandinavia.
December 1965 – British Legion Hall, Coleford, Somerset (Somerset Guardian)
11 December 1965 – Coronation Ballroom, Ramsgate, Kent with The System (East Kent Times)
17 December 1965 – Farnborough Technical College, Farnborough, Hampshire with The Carnaby and The Generation (Aldershot News)
21 December 1965 – 100 Club, Oxford Street, London with The Artwoods (Melody Maker)
31 December 1965 – Matrix Hall, Coventry with The Fairies and The Playboys (Coventry Evening Telegraph)
Thank you! I’m happy to find out how the Pretty Things could have been in England and in Denmark on the same day, November 27th: the English gig was simply cancelled.
Regarding the April 19th gig, I am confused, since I thought this was the date of the infamous Blokker festival in the Netherlands. Doesn’t seem likely they could play in North Yorkshire on the same day?
Regarding the June 12th gig, I cannot find any place called « Hill Liola, Stamford ». Do you believe it could actually be Loyola Hall, Stamford Hill? Looks like the Who played at that place in 1965.
Regarding the June 25th gig, I believe the two places you mention are one and the same, since « Aere » simply means « Atomic Energy Research Establishment ». Pretty funny to imagine Phil May & co. playing to a bunch of nuclear physicians in lab coats! ^_^
Hi there. I would go with your research for the first two dates. I think you are right. Yes, I would agree that this was most likely Loyola Hill, Stamford Hill in London. Good detective work. I also agree with the 25 June 65 gig
There’s an excellent interview with Them guitarist Billy Harrison in Ugly Things issue 32 from late 2011. Harrison was in a rival version of Them with Skip Alan after being kicked out of Morrison’s band in mid-July (see:
Harrison left this rival version shortly after Alan joined The Pretty Things for the Scottish tour in November 1965. However, a short while later (probably in early 1966, although Harrison says late 65), Harrison filled in for Dick Taylor on a Scandinavian tour, playing I think six gigs. He says the plane went to Copenhagen. There are pictures in Ugly Things.
He adds that he did the Isle of Wight with The Pretty Things around March 1966. Harrison notes that he also played a few gigs filling in for Taylor in between Scandinavian and Isle of Wight.
Some more gigs for you.
5 January 1965 – 100 Club, Oxford Street, central London with Brothers Grimm (Record Mirror)
12 January 1965 – 100 Club, Oxford Street, central London with Brothers Grimm (Record Mirror)
19 January 1965 – 100 Club, Oxford Street, central London with The Crescents (Record Mirror)
27 January 1965 – High Wycombe Town Hall, High Wycombe, Bucks (Bucks Free Press)
29 January 1965 – Dungeon Club, Nottingham with Mike Fayne & The Fontains (
2 February 1965 – 100 Club, Oxford Street, London with The Loose Ends (Melody Maker)
3 February 1965 – Majestic Hull, Hull (Record Mirror)
5 February 1965 – Bolton Boneyard, Bolton (Record Mirror)
6 February 1965 – Manchester New Century Hall, Manchester and Manchester University, Manchester (Record Mirror)
7 February 1965 – Wembley Starlite, Wembley, London (Record Mirror)
8 February 1965 – Newcastle Majestic, Newcastle upon Tyne, Tyne & Wear (Record Mirror)
22 February 1965 – Ricky Tick, Pearce Hall, Maidenhead, Berks (Buck Free Press)
1 March 1965 – Carnival Hall, Basingstoke, Hampshire with The Troggs (Hampshire & Berkshire Gazette)
2 March 1965 – High Wycombe Town Hall, High Wycombe, Bucks (Bucks Free Press)
6 March 1965 – Florida Rooms, Brighton, West Sussex with The Who, The-Bones and Johnny B Great (Evening Argus)
6 March 1965 – Mersey View Ballroom, Frodsham, Merseyside with The Spidermen, The Squad and Rita (Cheshire Observer)
19 March 1965 – Big Beat Nite Out, Fairfield Hall, Croydon, Surrey with The Kinks, The Animals, The Caravelles, Dodie West and Sean Buckley & The Breadcrumbs (Chris Broom book: Rockin’ and Around Croydon)
21 March 1965 – Empire Pool, Wembley, west London with Dave Berry & The Cruisers, The Searchers, Kenny Lynch, Elkie Brooks, The Four Pennies, Long John Baldry, Them, Billy J Kramer & The Dakotas, Tommy Quickly, The Fourmost, Lulu & The Luvvers, The Merseybeats, PJ Proby, The Zombies and Kenny Ball (Rieks Korte’s research)
2 April 1965 – Heaven & Hell, Manchester (Rieks Korte’s research)
3 April 1965 – Corn Exchnage, Cambridge (Rieks Korte’s research)
4 April 1965 – Bromley Court Hotel, Bromley, Kent (Melody Maker)
7 April 1965 – Gig in Rochdale, Greater Manchester (Rieks Korte’s research)
8 April 1965 – Gig in Stockport, Greater Manchester (Rieks Korte’s research)
10 April 1965 – Gig in Wigan, Greater Manchester (Rieks Korte’s research)
11 April 1965 – New Theatre, Oxford with Wayne Fontana & The Mindbenders, The Artwoods, The Ivy League, Elkie Brooks, Syd & George, The Chapters and The Guards (Oxford Mail)
17 April 1965 – Spalding Ballroom, Spalding, Lincolnshire with Wayne Fontana & The Mindbenders (Rieks Korte’s research)
18 April 1965 – De Montfort, Leicester with Wayne Fontana & The Mindbenders (Rieks Korte’s research)
19 April 1965 – Gig in Scarborough, North Yorkshire with Wayne Fontana & The Mindbenders (Rieks Korte’s research)
24 April 1965 – Gig in Gloucster, Gloucestershire with Billy Fury & The Gamblers, Dave Berry & The Cruisers, Brian Poole & The Tremeloes, John Barry Seven, The Kestrels and The Zephyrs (Rieks Korte’s research/The Stage)
25 April 1965 – ABC Northampton with Billy Fury & The Gamblers, John Barry Seven, The Kestrels, Dave Berry & The Cruisers, Brian Poole & The Tremeloes and The Zephyrs (Rieks Korte’s research/The Stage)
27 April 1965 – ABC Plymouth, Devon with Billy Fury & The Gamblers, Dave Berry & The Cruisers, Brian Poole & The Tremeloes, John Barry Seven, The Kestrels and The Zephyrs (Rieks Korte’s research/The Stage)
28 April 1965 – Savoy, Exeter, Devon with Billy Fury & The Gamblers, Dave Berry & The Cruisers, Brian Poole & The Tremeloes, John Barry Seven, The Kestrels and The Zephyrs (Rieks Korte’s research/The Stage)
29 April 1965 – ABC Southampton, Hampshire with Billy Fury & The Gamblers, Dave Berry & The Cruisers, Brian Poole & The Tremeloes, John Barry Seven, The Kestrels and The Zephyrs (Rieks Korte’s research/The Stage)
30 April 1965 – ABC Croydon, south London with Billy Fury & The Gamblers, Dave Berry & The Cruisers, Brian Poole & The Tremeloes, John Barry Seven, The Kestrels and The Zephyrs (Rieks Korte’s research/The Stage)
1 May 1965 – ABC Dover, Kent with Billy Fury & The Gamblers, Dave Berry & The Cruisers, Brian Poole & The Tremeloes, John Barry Seven, The Kestrels and The Zephyrs (Rieks Korte’s research/The Stage)
2 May 1965 – ABC Harrow, west London with Billy Fury & The Gamblers, Dave Berry & The Cruisers, Brian Poole & The Tremeloes and The Zephyrs (Rieks Korte’s research)
4 May 1965 – ABC Hull with Billy Fury & The Gamblers, Dave Berry & The Cruisers, Brian Poole & The Tremeloes and The Zephyrs (Rieks Korte’s research)
5 May 1965 – Gig in Stockton, Teesside with Billy Fury & The Gamblers, Dave Berry & The Cruisers, Brian Poole & The Tremeloes and The Zephyrs (Rieks Korte’s research)
6 May 1965 – ABC Carlisle, Cumbria with Billy Fury & The Gamblers, Dave Berry & The Cruisers, Brian Poole & The Tremeloes and The Zephyrs (Rieks Korte’s research)
8 May 1965 – Theatre Royal, Norwich, Norfolk with Billy Fury & The Gamblers, Dave Berry & The Cruisers, Brian Poole & The Tremeloes and The Zephyrs (Rieks Korte’s research)
9 May 1965 – Colston Hall, Bristol with Billy Fury & The Gamblers, Dave Berry & The Cruisers, Brian Poole & The Tremeloes and The Zephyrs (Rieks Korte’s research)
13 May 1965 – Marquee, Ashton-under-Lyne, Greater Manchester (Rieks Korte’s research)
14 May 1965 – Top Ten Club, Town Hall, Liskeard, Cornwall with The Blue Beats and People (Cornish Guardian)
15 May 1965 – Top Ten Club, New Cornish Riveria Lido, St Austell, Cornwall with The Blue Beats and People (Cornish Guardian)
18 May 1965 – Majestic, Newport, Wales (Rieks Korte’s research)
19 May 1965 – Gig in Porthcawl, Wales (Rieks Korte’s research)
20 May 1965 – City Hall, Sheffield, South Yorkshire with Donovan (Rieks Korte’s research)
Donovan’s drummer was Skip Alan who would replace Viv Prince in November
21 May 1965 – Central Pier, Morecambe, Lancashire with Donovan (Rieks Korte’s research)
22 May 1965 – Winter Gardens, Bournemouth, Dorset with Donovan, The New Faces, Unit 4 Plus 2, John L Watson & The Hummelflugs and Chris Carlson (website:
23 May 1965 – Guildhall, Portsmouth, Hampshire with Donovan (Rieks Korte’s research)
24 May 1965 – Spa Hall, Warrington, Cheshire with Donovan (Rieks Korte’s research)
25 May 1965 – Stamford Hall, Altrincham, Greater Manchester (Rieks Korte’s research)
29 May 1965 – Imperial Ballroom, Nelson, Lancashire (Steve Chapples research:
3 June 1965 – Gig in Munich, West Germany (Rieks Korte’s research)
4 June 1965 – Gig in Munich, West Germany (Rieks Korte’s research)
5 June 1965 – Gig in Hamburg, West Germany (Rieks Korte’s research)
6 June 1965 – Gig in Hamburg, West Germany (Rieks Korte’s research)
7 June 1965 – Gig in Hamburg, West Germany (Rieks Korte’s research)
11 June 1965 – Gig in Guildford, Surrey (Rieks Korte’s research)
12 June 1965 – Hill Liola, Stamford (Rieks Korte’s research)
18 June 1965 – Wimbledon Palais, Wimbledon, southwest London (Rieks Korte’s research)
25 June 1965 – New Restaurant, Aere Harwell, Oxfordshire with Candy ‘N’ Cookies, Ricky & The Gamblers and The Outcrowd (Oxford Mail) Rieks Korte also has the band performing at Harwell Atomic Energy Establishment on this date
4 July 1965 – Margate Winter Gardens, Margate, Kent with The Nashville Teens and support (East Kent Times) Rieks Korte also has Screaming Jay Hawkins and The Clayton Squares
23 July 1965 – 32 Club, Harlesden, north London (Hammersmith & Shepherds Bush Gazette)
24 July 1965 – Witham Public Hall, Witham, Essex with Cops ‘N’ Robbers and The Senates (Essex County Standard)
28 July 1965 – Pool Ballroom, Rhos-on-Sea, Wales with The Motown Sect and The Panzies (North Wales Weekly News)
1 August 1965 – Dungeon Club, Nottingham with The In Crowd (website:
2 August 1965 – Galaxy Club, Town Hall, Basingstoke, Hampshire with support (Hampshire & Berkshire Gazette)
3 August 1965 – High Wycombe Town Hall, High Wycombe, Bucks (Bucks Free Press)
The Daily Mirror’s 16 August edition notes that The Pretty Things flew off for their New Zealand tour on Sunday, 15 August after a farewell gig in London
10 September 1965 – Lucky Stars Club, Staines, Middlesex (Staines and Egham News)
11 September 1965 – Bure Club, Mudeford, Dorset with Clive Shane & The Avengers (website:
Article on Viv Prince with pic in Staines and Egham News 17/9/65, page 13
19 September 1965 – Southall Community Centre, Southall, west London (Middlesex County Times & West Middlesex Gazette)
22 September 1965 – Stevenage Mecca, Locarno, Stevenage, Hertfordshire ('s_music_scene.htm)
21 October 1965 – Empire Social Club, Neath, Wales (Port Talbot Guardian) This was cancelled when two members fell ill
1 November 1965 – Grand Pavilion, Porthcawl, Wales (Rieks Korte’s research)
6 November 1965 – Florida Room, Brighton, West Sussex (Rieks Korte’s research)
7 November 1965 – Oasis, Manchester (Rieks Korte’s research)
Skip Alan subbed for Viv Prince on a Scottish tour in November so this seems the most likely date when he took over
8 November 1965 – Town Hall, Iveraray, Scotland (Rieks Korte’s research)
9 November 1965 – Bobby Jones, Ayr, Scotland (Rieks Korte’s research)
10 November 1965 – Kinema Ballroom, Dunfermline, Scotland (Rieks Korte’s research)
12 November 1965 – Town Hall, Falkirk, Scotland (Rieks Korte’s research)
20 November 1965 – Civic Hall, Wormley, Surrey (Rieks Korte’s research)
22 November 1965 – High Wycombe Town Hall, High Wycombe, Bucks (Bucks Free Press)
New Musical Express’ 26 November issue reports that Viv Prince has told them he’s been asked to leave the group. The Pretty Things are on a Scottish tour with a deputy drummer (Skip Alan)
27 November 1965 – Coronation Hall, Ramsgate, Kent (Rieks Korte’s research) East Kent Times & Mail reports that this was rescheduled
New Musical Express’ 3 December issue reports that Viv Prince has agreed to leave. Skip Alan (ex-Them) who had subbed on the recent Scottish tour, is now a permanent member and on tour with the band in Scandinavia.
December 1965 – British Legion Hall, Coleford, Somerset (Somerset Guardian)
11 December 1965 – Coronation Ballroom, Ramsgate, Kent with The System (East Kent Times)
17 December 1965 – Farnborough Technical College, Farnborough, Hampshire with The Carnaby and The Generation (Aldershot News)
21 December 1965 – 100 Club, Oxford Street, London with The Artwoods (Melody Maker)
31 December 1965 – Matrix Hall, Coventry with The Fairies and The Playboys (Coventry Evening Telegraph)
Thank you! I’m happy to find out how the Pretty Things could have been in England and in Denmark on the same day, November 27th: the English gig was simply cancelled.
Regarding the April 19th gig, I am confused, since I thought this was the date of the infamous Blokker festival in the Netherlands. Doesn’t seem likely they could play in North Yorkshire on the same day?
Regarding the June 12th gig, I cannot find any place called « Hill Liola, Stamford ». Do you believe it could actually be Loyola Hall, Stamford Hill? Looks like the Who played at that place in 1965.
Regarding the June 25th gig, I believe the two places you mention are one and the same, since « Aere » simply means « Atomic Energy Research Establishment ». Pretty funny to imagine Phil May & co. playing to a bunch of nuclear physicians in lab coats! ^_^
Hi there. I would go with your research for the first two dates. I think you are right. Yes, I would agree that this was most likely Loyola Hill, Stamford Hill in London. Good detective work. I also agree with the 25 June 65 gig
There’s an excellent interview with Them guitarist Billy Harrison in Ugly Things issue 32 from late 2011. Harrison was in a rival version of Them with Skip Alan after being kicked out of Morrison’s band in mid-July (see:
Harrison left this rival version shortly after Alan joined The Pretty Things for the Scottish tour in November 1965. However, a short while later (probably in early 1966, although Harrison says late 65), Harrison filled in for Dick Taylor on a Scandinavian tour, playing I think six gigs. He says the plane went to Copenhagen. There are pictures in Ugly Things.
He adds that he did the Isle of Wight with The Pretty Things around March 1966. Harrison notes that he also played a few gigs filling in for Taylor in between Scandinavian and Isle of Wight.